an hour tove0 teto pu. our webchnel. i'm jes browow11 news traffifiwatch. you're watchingpgptv 11 nene with d dnne dedey, don ward and chief meteorolist briaia bledede, and j jes brown with affic. this tothcoloraraings marijutask rce@he anoth meengfinaze rommemeatns to tyou ey talalalabpoible zoniicon folinsedaruana busissthat would establili s s whehe they coeod be built.@. they alstalkedbout cng the requirements for those sinesses to receive a license toperate. toy was sued to be the last meeting, but ey couldn't agree on all the issues. they scheduled anher etitg for march 14th. they'll discuss busisses that pl oproducg marijuana insed produc. 'll let you know whahappens. nald trump announc a scdule c cnge for saturday so he can focus on siting states that are voting tomorro but not everyone is hahay with the decision. craig boswell ist the national harbor in maryrynd where a nservative convention is underway. "donald trump announced`he is skipping the cpac convention.. major gathering of conservative voters. his opponents immeately pounun esidentiti can