come down from these mount a limp as of singing to talk to us here in naples in the beautiful tetra sun carlo maybe mount a limp this is a bit of a cliche do you feel at home here since it evoked it so how was work with this in trident and what matters in your career as how long you stay at the top if that's not whether you get there sooner or later. the quicker your ascent the faster your descent and the less solid your footing and foundation for less experience you collect on the way or the more slowly you rise to the top the more you know how to appreciate what you find there. if you make that climb more slowly you get to sniff that mountain air and see how strong the headwinds are out there. it doesn't know all that really helps make you feel at home up there and build a house for holes or to for. i think. dean at the pinnacle for quite some time on these lonely heights how does it feel is it permanent lease. yeah it has its downsides for sure because you also have to deliver that it's not like you can rest on your laurels and get whatever you will do will sell so to speak people will jus