it was just something i felt needed to be done because it was going tew fwekt t to affect the six or eight kids' lives or raising money for scholarships. you just do things like that. and i'm not saying the page program does something magical for you. but it puts a feeling of responsibility in your heart that may have already been there, but it sure helps it grow. >> i can think of a very specific example of how, of the legacy of working in congress, and that is if you look at capitol hill as the big government, congressional page school was the little government inside, and we acted out the lessons that we learned on the hill in our own student government. the first day of school, the campaign started. with classmates looking around the room and making hash marks on a piece of paper, counting the votes. how many high school student governments do you know of have their own parliament aarianparl? ours did? i can't remember the rulings, but i'm sure he did. so we left work, went to school, and did the same thing. >> yes? >> is there one favorite story from your experience that you mig