he's not heidi is not palatable to the realization that as the texas state museum several cars have the gift preparation for the strong shares of k g o c to the peoples ipo in december this year they will be available for the country's population and the second wave of ikea will kick off as you know still deli and a sucking in of rain predicted for lower share with us to a whole gist of this company for more than three years or more. there's a reason to ensure profitability and a level deposit of second tier banks our new niece. i see them on. the ministry of education has less energy but also taught about the issues discussed in the government it turned out that the program just odi will be continued over the previous years of existence over forty million trees were planted about two hundred thousand young people were members of jet so yeah. most people do the program finished in two thousand fourteen and just today the government however it was decided that the program will be continued within the development of the budget funds will be provided for the implementation of this program