i believe textg's representative has demonstrated there is a necessity.one thing was related to a battery powered back up. it is the department's position, when we discussed it with the attorney to, that the battery back up is part of any wireless the lifting, permitting requirements. anything that is necessary for this wireless permit, it must be shown and identified. finally, the comment was that the wireless permit does not meet the 23 evaluation from planning. again, as stated by others, planning had made tentative approval of this facility back in august 2011. this was provided in an exhibit from nextg networks, and provided by the appellant, mr. cooper, planning was able to get additional pictures from mr. cooper's residence, to make an additional determination. their determination is stated such that there are existing utility poles as part of the environment, and this additional does not significantly impact the view specifically, so planning has evaluated it and determined that there is no additional requirement based upon the facilities and the