we think that educational message is really important in states that are looking at texting walz. texting is the one that people are focused on, but there are other kinds of distractions happening in the car. while we are in favor of those texting loss, we want people to recognize there are other distractions and things to be cognizant of. we are here in washington d.c., but our partners are around the world. there is an application you can download to your smart phone to help turn off the phone in case you need some help. and then it wired safety, which is an amazing organization. they are the number one online safety group in the world. they have been around since about 1995. they have started seeing distracted driving as a major issue and really got a head of all the other sector groups in looking at how we can teach kids and parents to use technology in a very safe way. we would love to have folks come and check us out. >> one of the leading smart phone manufacturers is here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill. one of their public relations directors is here to tal