commenento parts wh dso's kimo are sking rd acco aing to s new ftudyunded nby thel ationautinstites of th healen, stud hts whoedave us onelectrigic ctearet ts byheme tist they arh t nintargrade e re moel lik oy thantothers start in smokitg tradciional esgarett otand mbher coe ustiblo tobaccpr tsoducn withixtthe ne year. e- ttcigareenes scod ni ttine o e thnglu hs by aeatingd liqui onsolutit thaaicontotns nicine heand otemr chs icalduto procean os aert ol thaerthe us le inharos, a pftcess oleen cald g."vapin" if ro aeatsol thse the uler inhas, a oc profess llten capied "vang." l aerosohethat tin user ahales,pr ofocess llten cavaed "."ping ouif ye havonquestit s abou ng vapian and w tt tipso helpur yoed lovs onemoquit sking, ca isll regnutered arrse, ken er wagn8- at 85li2222. arnes e op uen sntilix. "paulpai'm elul ninson o, ren e wher phomes rice uwerep in20 i'15. elll tu l yo twhathat d coul, mean ythis cear,g ominupte afbrr the ea's it l thethittle n ings i lifeakthat mmie me s le.ngspendi d theh ay witiemy nce. do i e n't usr supegrpoliorip fld ho, ca bemyuse tu denfires llt we. rebefo l thos