political parties supporting yingluck and her brother thaksin shinawatra have won every election since 2001. one of their campaign pledges was to raise the income of farming villagers mainly in the populist northeast. opponents of yingluck's policy said she effectively bought votes which substantially depleted theation's coffers. the anti-thaksin camp is backed by the middle class elite as well as establishment figures. frustration among yingluck supporters is still simmering below the surface. the government is making widespread efforts to engage them in dialogue to achieve national reconciliation, but will this be enough to iron out long established and deep-rooted differences. nhk world's soichoiro tanizawa reports. >> reporter: a man shares a joke with villagers in the northeast province in thailand. but the man is not an entertainer. he's a soldier wearing civilian clothes. the soldier is part of the so-called reconciliation project promoted by the military since the coup. most people here are red shirts, supporters of the ousted prime minister thaksin shinawatra and his sister yi