germany you could make the case that there was some truth to it that if you get rid of the nazis thalamus and the government, you get rid of knots isn't, germany could be restored to a decent european country but after all it was also the country of mozart, beethoven and all that. there was a real cold, -- cold. in japan it was a so-so the because is also equivalent to the nazi party. there was no hitler. there was no holocaust in fact even though there was enormous amount of killing in china particularly, also in southeast asia but there was no deliberate systematic attempt to exterminate an entire people so there had to be another explanation. and in japan the explanation was precisely, the spirit, militarism or something deeply wrong about japanese culture. while in germany you could revive the best of german culture, the feeling must be often rather ignorant allies after the world war, or there's something so wrong about the japanese culture that it's feudalistic and warrior like. the whole culture has to be turned upside down. kabuki plays about -- >> anything to do with judaism. >>