they couldn't come up with thall of that. they countered with something, a little bit less than what we're asking for. in the next three weeks, we're going to bring that together closely so we can agree. it will be a significant contribution to the pension so it doesn't hurt us in future years. it will make up for the increases that we all know will be there in the next three years that will hit us, you're absolutely right, $500 million to $600 million in three years t will be the increase. it will make our deficit look so silly today in comparison. so we have as you say meat on the bone already. we got the proposals out and delivered to the unions. they're coming back in about three weeks. in about three weeks, we will know whether our method has reached an agreement with the unions and simultaneously because my responsibility to present to the board of supervisors a persuasive number and contribution from all elements of the city so that we can get at least six votes and we anticipate more, and place it on the november ball