. -- more thanompany 4 million people in the world touch something that has an holding chip in it every single day. arm holdings gave us numbers --ay, slowing in terms of the licenses are picking up. that bodes well for the future. many analysts say they are a bit more positive for the second half of the year. >> speaking of key concerns in tact, we have numbers from facebook and apple. >> the glitz and the glamour. it is remarkable. we could have a second quarter for apple delivering just under 20 million ipads. flat revenue could be the first time they have delivered flat .evenue in over a decade for facebook, what is next? talk about possibly going into banking. we will have a chat about that. >> in terms of what else we are watching -- we have a couple of data coming out. we have the minutes from the bank of england. i am in a zone of my own. it is unlikely to be that he did. david einhorn has a few dollars under management and he is talking the tech market, a bit of a brave call. to stocks that ipo would with fluffy values. that french did it will play into some of the mood. as far