. >> he needs a better rap name thanrofessor dan garcia. >> it couldg. >> prof g. >> thank you very muchhumor southern style. >> it's kind of a hodgepodge of southernisms. >> next "right this minute." >> still to come -- trucks aren't allowed to be on this road. >> because there are some low overpasses. >> how one truck driver didn't get the memo. >> oh! >> plus, if you're broke and in your 20s, there's only one thing to do. >> you just got to go straight to your mama's house. >> the only place where young, hip, financially unstable fashionistas can get clothes for free. >> see why going home is the way to go. and friday's buzzword you need if you want a chance to win an ipad mini. >>> closed captioning provided by -- >>> it's safe to say sometimes vehicles go where they're just not supposed to go and thank goodness for dash cams because we see the footage like in this video from juken, dash cam footage from long island, new york. this driver with the dash cam, driving on a parkway, making sure that he gets some footage of this giant 18-wheeler in front of him. in new york some parkways