. >> thasjohn, you'renot referring to me personally. i may deserve to be cast out. >> there areome feelhat y. chris hayes of "the nation," always a plasure. i said it to john and i said it letterman.do not cross david e venge contues. tonit, about the waders. >>> and whenachel joins you at the top of the hou frank rich on the gop'sdistractions, the on that linger and nger, including today' latest developments in the senator engn soa opera. >>and in "worsts," senator enlove cald the newest member of the senate a quote, clown and defends its by saying, kind of looks ke a clown whei was talkg to him. hey, senator enhoff, do u want us to join senars on whether or n they look like clowns? you have questionsns. o can give you the financiaadvice you need? whe ll you find the stabitity d resources to keep you ahead of thihis raradly evolving world? these are toestions. that's why we broro gether two of the most powerful names inhehe industry. introducing g an stanley smith barneyey. here tthink wealth managemen introducing g an stanley smith ba