thataid, there are other parts of the internet which could be burdened by overreach of the government lking out for our security. you know, the whole e-mail, if you stop sending e-mails or do less because you think you' being tched and you sta making phone calls, using faxes -- a lotof companies i have to unfortunately do faxes in many cases becausof security issues with e-mail and sending applications. it slows down productivity. there's errors, it's blurry. it creates needless use of labor. so you can sow do th efficiency th we get from the interneby leading to a state of paranoia where you think everything is insecure because ome nsa agent is redirecting traffic into their supercomputer somewhere. >> it's not really american consumers you're worried about. you think it may be globally there's going to be this paranoia. >> well,as gary says, absolutely, brenda. the big issue here is that 90% of all the clients, all the customers of facebook or aol or a of these sites, google, are outside the united states. you know, particularly in europe, they have a whole differt ideaabout what pe