if you say you are talking about the actual sort of physical infrastructure of the country. , thateframe like 80 years is an awfully long time for people and cities. how different does manhattan look? subways, not a lot of progress in 80 years. mightblic transportation be an example of something you a lot of confidence a big city can adapt to, at least not on its own. not, it'sse is impossible, the responses what would it take to have a public transportation system that was abducting on the timeframe -- adapting on the timeframe we need. generally, in terms of economics it comes down to the capital cycle. how long our investments being made for and are we going to the next round of investments in response to what we see on the climate as it is happening or we going to make investments now that are going to be really costly in the future because we don't have incentives now necessarily to get them right. it is important to recognize climate change is not all economic. there are other sorts of ways in which you would say you will have disruptions to social traditions that people value. yes