. -- thathink syria somehow you can send troops into that sovereign nation without having to have congress grant the president more authority there? don't you think you are in the minority view on that? >> we already have troops that are on the ground. if you do not want more american troops on the ground, cut off funding. oppositionrain forces to take assad down. he is a threat to the united states, because he is a proxy of iran. he used chemical weapons grade he violated -- chemical weapons. he violated the treaty that he signed. our strategy is not yet developed. >> lindsay and i agree these atrocities are horrible, but this is where we differ. think the u.s. policy towards any nation should be that we get the change up your leaders. wrong,d is doing things then we can try to deter him from doing it. we can prosecute him for war crimes. i do not think the policy of the u.s. should be that we are going to change the regime of your leadership. that is what the syrians should decide. we should be part of the political process, but i do not think a regime change should be official u.s. poli