thatisnderlyingth legislatio which is why i rquest that we mo as uickly as weca having to make these decisions -- he plaing mmittee vot 51 for a reon. they arready to act. he ongere wa the mre difficulit bomes. te one coent hat resonated was the appoine ofmayor newsomwho said she couldnot unrsnd why the s opposition cae if not actuay require anything. it said you edo take health ca to consideration, and en if thereis inconsisncy, the plaing mmite still has e abity o approved a proct. nothing chaes i the oarasqukly as possibloe >ould like toknow why we are going to cointh ik the has been a number of amemes. idkind of etwithomeone ro aiser understand some concer, t ithink survisor compos hed to tegra so othe lnguage my conersation -- i se th you wantyour embers be inlved but i do not e ow going tohelp. ou could come to supervisor cmbos pecific donas a way of havingthoconcernsddssed. he also raisd a numberf concerns i have notseen enough specifs aboh isreative most healthare reformwilllimit e quality of eah care access. esplly, tsay h hav exremelyimitedeso al care. i do not eel comforbl