. >> hit thato quitothis. know i d - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. >>> a couple unexpected surprises to show you guys. the first, during the rally stage. driver and navigator communicating with each other, but one obstacle the navigator couldn't help the driver with was this one. oh! >> oh, no. that's not on your map. >> deer, a bunch of them, decided, you know this is about the time to run across the road. they didn't hit one. >> just wait one second and then cross, everybody is okay. >> unless they were pulling for the opposing driver and they were trying to knock this dude out of the race. >> yes, paid off. >> i think you were on to something. this team finished second overall. following the first team. >> oh. >> this othe