. -- there seems to be able mi thattt romney has to get 24% in every poll. necessarily parlor games. >> linda, what about these two public outpourings on the extreme fringes, the 99ers, they occupy wall street, the tea party? they are probably quite close in their anxiety and frustration. what does it say about our political system and do they have enough traction to change anything? i think that tea party may have changed of the republicans. >> the tea party is a party of the past. they were comfortable with the way things were done in the past and have their feet firmly planted there. i think the occupied walle streetsrs are the movement of the future. they said we're not getting jobs and are not happy with institutions. if we're going to have a future that does not just reward the 1%, we have to do things to change that. >> they don't seem to have a political component that could bring about that change unlike the tea party. >> exactly. >> it may be an impotent movement. >> you are reminded that karl marx said that capitalism would eventually so this is o