t the's o that passes aitit furer,, d d the'e thatatasses in thbaback, youou're e oking at water or salatater irusision coming omom theipelelincanalsls and theyesestroy thehe vegetion thawe u useto have. but, you owow, mo of f th opople wk fofor e oill compaeses. th' the on tha'suttitingood ananpaying the rent a m mortges a andtuff likehat, so, as muchs s you tete the yoyouave t tlike emem. dupre: le de je c charl is-s-- wha's t c comm sasayig?--t-t canary ithe mineieield. ' seeg-g--oveherere, call l relive sea vevel ri. yoyou have the glol l sea vel l ri, whichs slightbubut abt 8080% ofhe sea level rishehere i because of suididenceso we bo subngng andou have e global a level se at th sa t time,so we a siinkg by,y, i think i's mililliters a a year. it don'n'sound li mu, , but u go int40 years, 50 years, d d you art to nocece difrencnceshen you'rre alady y on slighghy above thwawater ke i islde jean charl.. brunetinin theegininni, it was sslow ocess. iwas s rely not reallyototiceae, b buthen whever theater started coming inveven mo witith , it got b be me rarapibecauaue they had more teter con