onehingng tt'not factored in e e costtheyey oy lok k at t cosost the h hes, the cost of thbubusinees, , th infrastructu, , but,ou k kno i do't ow w h you p pt a prie on it, but ty y do n cononsir the cost of a olole cuure. [film aanance ccks]s] [tom-toplaying] comaelelle: disisplementt eeps hpeniningnd wee just furtr r sepate o our communy,y, it'llll jt get t st. [mechchanti] man: turn to theefeft. comardelle: we ararned out t a national distster resilienc pln n compitioion,o we subtted ourlans. weorked to fit with the atate's master an, and they prentnted i andnd it got fund. sadeders: ght t no the w w rocationsypypical hapappein the united stat, we relon an individual y-y-out del, and s in otr words, someone reivives se compmpsation go livsosomewhe elelsebut n doing so, we o o losthatat cututural bricic, we dod't really kw w if wcan n mo people clelectivy asas aroup cheaper anmomore eiciently than iivividua. mardelle: there's ve lilele posive e inhe fororof reselelementf pepeop. youu kno g goverentsts jt don'n't do it wel we prested a different mode community-degngned, mmmuny-ddrien