unit members and myself, e.c. staff, will be meeting with the lineups of shifts of officers before they hit -- right before they hit the streets to give them crash courses in a.b.c. and entertainment permit information. >> so to staff, is there a way that within the next few months we can talk to p.d. and not necessarily with the permit officers during the day, but with the nighttime liaisons, the entertainment industry, which i think most stations have now, that we can have a meeting with them so that they actually get out there and meet the club owners and let them know that they're there so that they feel more confident that they can call 911 instead of being penalized for calling 911? because that is still out there. in people's heads. that they're going to be penalized. >> if i can answer, i think that when we get that list of entertainment liaisons which we don't have yet, we can absolutely do what you're saying. but part of what was mentioned, that won't happen probably until after the first of the year at this point. there was an intention to start it sooner. and then got totally derailed with the giants winning the world series unfortunately. because re