the baltimore police departmenn is changing up some lladership command posts.this annhony battssbegins to impleme thoss chaages include... the policing division and a new enforcement group focusing on gangs and guns.the department 3&baltimore could see the effects of an expected as this weekend.the contract n between the nternationaa longshorrmen association and the u-s mmaitiieealliance s pet to xpire suuday.the key sticking point is over large that longshoremen get for s - them. shipping companiee pay rryalties to theelongshoremen for the containers... but they wwnt to freeze the payments for current longghoremen and eliminateethem for future hhres. the port of baltimore is one of maryland's largest eceonice geenerators o any type of work action that may result in a suspension or stoopage of work ould have an adverse effe. nearly 15-thousand dockworrers along the east and gulf in baltimoor. remain open all the time at maryland casinos. so how much mmre money will it mean for casinos and then ... state?? joel d. smith is live at "maryland llve" now to exxecting. joeel how 3pbusy is it