the c. lgrant of $45,000, as that incorporated into the larger two million-dollar grant item that they represented earlier, or is that separate and apart from that. >> i believe it is separate. >> it is included. >> how much of that 2 million is segregated for historic preservation, besides the $45,000 while. >> it was the first slide, i don't know, the line item on grants, and indicated that $2 million was available, or will be available. >> so the grants that we were anticipating to apply for are the c. lg. it is $46,200. >> and the rest are allocated -- are they reserved for other things, or can those funds also be used for historic preservation purposes? >> it is possible, i would have to, mac into the specifics of the funding restrictions. it is up to the grantor, and the kind of projects that we propose >> are these government grants or private grants? >> almost everything that we do is government. >> federal or state. >> okay. >> and then we have the friends of city planning, and at the