wall builders, the c.b.c., will rebuild the wall. [applause] keep in mind this is the only caucus that did not lose a single member in the last election. this is the only caucus na that gained membership in the last election. these are wall builders. are we relevant? the answer is yes. the congressional black caucus will be relevant as long as we continue to have work in front of us, as long as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we're relevant. as long as our communities suffer a depression while the rest of the country talks about a recession, we're relevant. as long as the first recommendations presented by our caucus to president nixon in march of 1971 have some relevancey to the state of our union, we're relevant. as millions continually call out to take their country back, the caucus stands ready to continue its relevant work of creating a nation for all americans, black, white, rich, poor, old, young, and immigrants alike. a nation inclusive of all god's children. sadly, the people's house has become a bitter, bailful