regarding item 4, on page 22 of our report, we report that it's shown in table on page 22, the contractor delta star has submitted invoices and all of the repairs were complete on february 12, 2013. such that no expenditures will be incurred. our recommendation on the bottom of page 22, that you recommend the proposed resolution on february 12, 2013, instead of january 2013. the work includes all three phases and that you approve the proposed resolution as amended. regarding item 5, on page 29 of our report, we state that under the proposed lease amendment, the estimated royalty revenues to be paid by silva to sf puc from december 2010, through june 2032. that is estimated to total $153 million. on page 31 of our report, and again mr. up dike stated that this last extension is not before you, but we point out if that is an approved, the additional extension then as shown in attachment 2 on page 34 of our report, the revenues from the puc from 2010, to december 31, 2064. an average cost of $340 million and that includes the base rent payment of $500,000. we recommend that you do approve this res