the fine print that they have to deal with in contracts. so what these groups have done, the credit card companies and big banks, is enlist small banks and credit unions. to come and appeal us to and say, we're in your city and community. the durbin amendment can hurt us. what they don't say is the law that we pass specifically exempts -- specifically exempts -- all banks and credit unions with valuation of lower than $10 billion. $10 billion. so of the 7,000 or 8,000 credit unions in america, how many have a valuation over $10 billion? three. how many banks out of the 7,000 or 8,000 have a valuation over $10 billion? less than 100. so we're talking about 100 institutions here who will be affected by this law enforcement and the others are exempt. i rise to speak about the effect of this interchange fee reform on these small banks and credit unions. recently the banking industry and some bank regulators have claimed that the small issue or exemption -- $10 billion exemption -- in laflt year's reform law may not wonch the banking industry people said there are market forces that can undermine t they are wrofnlg i respect their right to speculate on wha