watkinson has signed himself and his family up for just that via a different outfit called the cryonics instituteed, dying, and then immediately waking up. if it's gonna work, i'm gonna wake up straightaway, ‘cause the passage of time won't mean anything, because i will be dead. so i'll wake up immediately and hopefully i'll be able to remember things. my memory will be intact, hopefully. who i am. your whole family is going to be preserved as well? yeah. luckily my wife and daughter are for the idea and they are signed up members of the institute. but is this all too good to be true? we spoke to a neuroscientist who has serious misgivings about the basic foundations of cryonics. you really can't afford to freeze biological tissue until it's been appropriately protected. but unless you take it down to those low temperatures for protection quite quickly, it will continue to decompose. and my problem with the cryonics dream, the wishful thinking contracts that are sold, is that they haven't resolved that conflict. there's no evidence that they can get the antifreeze into all those micro nooks and c