once trash is placed at the curbside, the owner gives up all legal rights to what's inside. >> one plastictraw. one used -- it looks like toilet tissue. >> narrator: plastic straws, used tissues, and a cotton swab with earwax -- all items with possible genetic material were sent to the dna lab for testing. dr. lichtenwalner identified two different dna profiles from the mucus, saliva, and earwax samples from the chambers' trash. >> the dna from one of the household members was similar to the dna on the back of the stamps and the envelope. >> narrator: with these dna results, the defense team demanded that all charges against paula nawrocki be dropped. the prosecution refused, and joanne chambers provided a blood sample for further dna testing. once again, joanne chambers' blood dna matched the dna from the stamps and the envelope flap. >> you can see how all five genetic markers line up perfectly between the dna of joanne chambers and the dna from the back of the postage stamps. >> narrator: the odds of someone in the random u.s. population having the same combination of five genotypes tes