inexplicitly, political appointees at the d.l.j., dropped case and dismissed two men entirely and no penalty and winning an order against the third man that prohibits him from bringing a weapon to future elections, something that's prohibited. and instead of protect ing it the voters' rights, the political opinion wipes out good work. and this is your statement, you would "listen to them and respect them and make them proud of the vital goals we will pursue together." . and it contradicts your statement during your confirmation hearing, that "that justice department must defend the rights of every american." another concern that we discussed during confirmation that you would operate under pre-9/11 law and you said you learned from the past and you would do your best to aggressively depend on the terror. and you said, you would work to strengthen the activities of the federal government and protect the american people from terrorism. yet instead of taking the lead and protecting the american american -- american people you have enacted poor policies. one example of this pre-9/11 is th