the eap, for the city like all of the eap ss a behavior risk management agency. and our mandate here is to provide services to city county employees at all levels. work teams, managers, and etc.. and so, not every day, and not every week, but, pretty regularly, we see city employees who are victims of domestic violence. >> it does not just remain at home it comes to work. they know where the victim is eight hours a day and often send threatening and abusive e-mails, fax and phone calls to the victims during the workday. they also would... they may repeatedly buzz by the workplace, and even enter the workplace putting all employees at risk physical and psychological abuse, the victim's anxiety and fear impact the work performance, the productivity and the working relationships and ultimately, public service the eap actually does a great deal of consultation to assess the situations of certain and support them in crafting a strategy for dealing with them creating restraining, orders for the workplace to keep the people safe and enhancing the personnel skills in pla