we have the fed, we have the f.d.i.c..ther layer of bureaucracy is going to cause consumers more and it's not going to be more protective. >> woodruff: senator brown, what about her first point that this is an unprecedented amount of power, that this is someone who would give no one else oversight of this bureau. >> unprecedented amount of power doesn't really make sense. the consumer bureau today was in cleveland announcing... happened to be in my state announcing new rules for making credit card applications more clear and more concise and simpler for customers. that's not unprecedented power. what's unprecedented, judy, is i asked the senate a story several months ago, has this ever happened where one political party has opposed a nominee solely because they don't like that agency over which he... which he will run and the senate historian said that has never happened. accountability is not accountability to wall street but to the public and in many ways my colleagues here that oppose the whole idea of consumer protecti