of cash in their lives. there is a market there in a market across the mountains back here in the east because people really appreciated good whiskey they came from the headwaters of the ohio region. was there someone else? if you don't mind, sorry. i know it's a long walk. >> why did hamilton feel compelled to punish the small manufacturers? this doesn't strike me as the level playing field that everyone who is a millionaire to about. it sounds almost like regional warfare or class warfare accept on behalf of the very wealthy men talking about not so much this i.t. leaders because that is just true of any bondholder, but the manufacturers -- it was interesting the chats about how is viewed to benefit large manufacturers. why did he do that? what was the rationale for doing that? was a rationale to do to benefit the nation? >> yeah, hamilton firmly believed in pursuit this or another other projects after funding assumption on the whiskey tax with the nation needed was to become a commercial and industrial empire with a powerful centralized -- sort of a powerful centralized machine. if you could get industry consolidated instead of dissipating energy on small farms and smal