very wrong, very stupid, benghazi, the healthcare balkic. -- debacle, so man, not a one dumped. so, many reflected poorly on it administration, sheltered by this administration, saying that poor fool who dared to say something about about this administration, it amazes me how white house comes to save its image but not give a damn when it comes to more official matters -- more important matters like i don't know, saving our country, herman cain, what do you make of this? >> this just an example of fact this administration is totally disfunctional. what adds insult to injury in this case. being nice calling him a jam, he so the national security council of all places. disfunctionality, i agree with you, why has someone else not been fired as it relates to the scandals. that means that president is out of touch even with his own staff, the leadership is not there to make it funkal, obamacare meltdown is just the latest example. neil: i'm not for firing people willy-nilly. in this guys case, if he were a security official. you don't use pseudonyms and tweeting stuff that is as bad