the hindenberg, fox. hurricanes fox. fast and famine, fox and fox. the dinosaurs wiped off the planet fox news. the play fox. the inquisition, fox. msnbc, not fox. that one was like a gift. but i'm telling you, i'm telling you, everything else was exclusively us. so now you know. what does a nation do to charles payne, charlie gasparino, curiously, my friend ben stein isn't here this week. curious. we'll leave it at that. but enough about him, charles payne, back to us. the president's on to us. which means he's on to you. what do you think? >> yeah. he's definitely on to me okay? and his minoiions have let me know. it's funny that he says fox news is the leading proponent to cast the poor sponges as leeches and users, but i tell you what on the other end of the spectrum without a doubt, president obama is a leading voice in a sense that someone born poor in this country, particularly black and poor have no chance that they have seer row opportunity to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and they are somehow an astronaut shot into space, no gravity