the numbers. though there were no jackpot winners, there were still, according to the lottery, 15 second-tier winners in california, florida, illinoishere were at least four of those. the second-tier tickets could be worth for a few thousand to up to $1 million. so that is something that according to texas -- to lottery officials there are many who don't claim that because they focus on that. the answer, how could the number get so high. remember october of last year, mega millions, basically changed their odds, changed the rules to make the payoffs fewer and farther between. so what's happening now is fewer people are winning the jackpot. of course, that usually means people are interested once it makes -- once the jackpot goes beyond the $500 mark. that is perhaps one of the reasons why the number has gotten so high. again, look at your tickets, look at the -- the numbers. make sure that those aren't second tier. we should mention that four of those second-tier tickets were here in new york. but likely not going to be our pool. again, worry not, spirit of optimism, it is still alive. $1.6 billion up for grabs now if you win come t