sheet 38, now looking toward -- to the west toward the main body of the hospital, the immediatian, where you can't stand but it's showing the dining room above and three retail kiosks that will provide a continuous store front for the remainder of that facade as you move to the front door at geary. the window wall itself is going to be relieved in this corner with wooden articulation and should be quite a pleasean and -- pleasant and very correctly scaled addition to the neighborhood. moving to sheet 39, you complete the tour down van ness. you are now looking at the main lobby of the hospital so geary street is off the left hand side of this rendering. we're plooking due west, standing in van ness and the main door is into the 37 foot tall lobby. we have to move uphill towards our automobile drop f that i described mid block and there is extensive site treatment that is carried into this lobby. there is a fountain ane internal, to make that very continuous with the street around us. sheet number 40 shows a detailed site plan of the medical office building. the same logic as applied, the