as richard said, the inzane, that's understandable, the youth who commit murders are not eligible for the death penalty. we get those thanksgiving. those are bright lines. but the mental health community does not come to universal agreement of how you draw a line within this gray area. you'll have, and as i've seen mental health experts say one thing about a defendant, and others will draw a different conclusion about a defendant. how nine justices who sit in a marble palace, how are they going to draw decisions when they're j.d.s and not m.d.s and mental health professionals. they can't do it. >> is this slated to be like pornography, something that you only know when you see it. >> i agree that it's difficult to define who is mentally ill. that's one of the problems with the deathment. there are always going to be cases on the border. you know, it's supposed to be reserved for the worst of the worse, and it's a matter of life and death. yet all of these gray areas exist. so one solution so instead of executing people, we keep them in prison. we know life is gray. if we're not willin