but this split between the k.d.p. and sort of the political parties and other parties is significant as this conflict over disputed territories is going to play itself out in the coming year, especially as we are going to approach a time for when the united states is going to withdraw its troops. now, there are three things going on. one is the u.s. troop withdrawal, and maybe, just like the announcement of a troop withdrawal was preceded by a surge, now we see that the withdrawal from the disputed territories and from the areas in northern iraq is preceded by sort of a mini surge that the general announced yesterday, which is the additional deployment of american troops ahead of a withdrawal in order to bring down tensions between the regions. but this is a stopgap measure clearly aimed at reducing tensions, but it's not in itself a solution to the problem of the disputed territories. and worse, it could actually make the parties on the ground dependent on american troops, which is not a good thing when you're actuall