now, the k.r.g. has said, listen, we don't like the p.k.k., but there's some afinity there, some solidarity there, and we can maybe take some steps against them, and it may not say that, but frankly the p.k.k. is a cuddish party and they don't like the parties because they could subpoena plant the k.d.p. and p.o.k. but what they cannot do is militarily dislodge the p.k.k. from the mountain, and frankly, these parties themselves used to be based in the mountain and were never dislodged by the iraqi stages and chemical weapons and other measures. so i think that is a pretty good argument. but that said, there are other ways possible, and the k.r.g. in turn says, turkey, we can take steps against the p.k.k., but why don't do you something for the kurds of turkey so that the p.k.k. no longer has that? that is also a powerful argument, and turkey is now starting to listen to that. of course, there are also groups in turkey that will push back against that very strongly. and so that's also going to take tim