the department's enacted the limited english person, the l.e.p. program. we have policies on dealing with the multi-lingual and the monolingual residents of this city. we have community liaison officers in areas. i note captain is not doing the same thing. but i'm speak from my experience. dedicating a police officer who can be the point person for the mono-lingual residents. district stations have put together public safety announcements in multi-languages. i haven't seen this in all the years i've worked. but in the last two years we put together public safety announcements. if there's robberies in the area, we're passing things out in multi-languages. i mentioned about comp stat. the chief will talk about how crime is on the decrease, actually going down in great part to the work we're doing and analyzing data. we offer training and community policing. and community policing and cultural compessy -- compentsy. i would say it's probably the lead in the amount of hours that we put into these areas. our community engagement strategies in this department are