from the northern plains, representing our relatives from the north, the blackfeet, the lakota. behind them are the seven dancers representing our relatives from the kiowa, the muskogee. our southern women. behind our southern women, our number women. -- our number womorthenrn women. and the little ones. thank you, thank you very much. that is and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a lot of answers. here they come. if he would bring the fly right in front of us. -- flag right in front of us. there are many veterans among us tonight. we appreciate you standing while we honor them with a flag song. many of our tribes have our own flag song. we are calling on them at this time to render our flag song for each and everyone of us. and these have led our warriors into battle to defend this great country, our motherland. we did not come from another country, we did not emigrate to this country, we were here and the creator put us here. he gave us the songs to remember our ancestors, cheese, grandmothers, grandfathers, and our relatives of this homeland of ours. [music playing >> thank y