the coastal plains. acid soil. blueberries, white cedar, pine, those are the kinds of things that dominate the coastal plains. this is loblolly pouring -- pine. this is not the most favorite pine but it is one of the most economically important plants in the mid-atlantic states. this is the source of most of the pine lumber you will see at your stores, the type you have got to look down to make sure -- -- to make sure it is not w arped a little bit. it is a very fast-growing tree, sometimes called oldfield pine. it is one of the first to come into abandoned farm fields. fast growing, and the timber people like it because you can get a turn on it in 30 or 40 years. certainly not the finest of the pine trees in my view. as you go further south into the coastal plain from virginia to texas, you will find very commonly this little holly. so itcalled "vomitoria," does not have a lovely latin name. in the landscape trade they tend to call it yeopine. these plants were made into a drink by the native americans. colonists who first observed using it, nicknamed it the black drink and they mistakenly associated it with a purging ritual