the m d c bylawys. should go over them, one by one, vote for them. does the staff wish to identify the proposed amendments? >> i would be willing to do an introduction one at a time/ there has been discussion, set term limits. the appropriate thing is to bring it to the council for discussion and action. staff has written these proposed changes for the sake of discussion, not anything carved in stone. or not adopted. so, currently, the only thing that says, in the current bylaws for chairs, there shall be two co-chairs the service officers of the council. the council shall elect these officers. officer terms shall be one year. it is not say - the terms may be staggered by not less than three months. the idea was not to have another election for a co-chair right away so we have a job like jul was talking about. the idea was to have term limits, recommendation was too strong a word. co-chair shall serve a maximum of two terms. does anyone want to make a motion? if not, the bylaws can stay as they are. >> chair: why do we break down the proposed amendmen