and other law enforcement agencies trying to persuade every state to enter dna into codis, the national databankter her push for a change in alaska, the state now enters the suspect's dna once arrested for a felony just as it records mug shots and fingerprints. >> right now there's only 26 states that are actually collecting dna on arrest. we need all of them to collect it. dna doesn't lie. you get to the truth so much sooner. it saves money. it saves lives. >> reporter: samantha channeled her grief. she's a 911 operator now. >> 911. what's the location of your emergency? >> so when you have somebody on the other end of the line who is calling in because they just found out that somebody had died and they need to know what happened, i feel that pain. i know that pain. >> reporter: as for bonnie's older brother jason, father of three sons, his mission is more personal. >> it changes the way i raise my kids. spend more time to make sure that they're understanding why things are done certain ways or what builds character, what really is important in life. >> reporter: sounds like you're trying to g