>> well, the nccn, the national comprehensive cancer network has guidelines on this type of thing, in terms of recommendations. primarily, they recommend if you have brcamutations to consider it, even if your family history it not very strong, you may consider it. because we don't know all the genes that are responsible for breast cancer. >> the overwhelming majority of women who develop breast cancer don't have a family history of the disease. they are the family history. they become that. >> but for me, i feel like my stop watch is set to zero. i feel like my life is ahead of me now, and now there is a 1% risk, lower than the general population. now i can work with my diet and exercise program and really give myself the fighting chance that what happened to my mom and my aunt and my father, who died of cancer, too, and my grandmother, won't happen to me. i could be around for my kids. >> it is a remarkable story, and i love that hitting the reset button. we should all do that. i think people are really going to enjoy this conversation. allison gilbert, mark smith, thank you so much