. >> i was told, you don't be talking wh thee media,the newspers. he said,f you d ande fin out about it, he id y'll be court-martialed. >> the original gag order was drawn up on ordersrom washingn to gener marthur as the philippines wereliberaed inanuary, february 1945. >> oliver: ahoof the book unjus enrihment, he's done exexpensive research on ameran p.w.'sn th pacifi >> what puzes me is whyhis order w then updated to septemr 5th, is the 1945. prisoners being recvered from japan were being als forced to sign this order. . >>liver: they had y sign a gag order that you woun't talk abo what happened to u as a p.o.w.. >>hat's right. >> oliver:hy? >> now, i never could figure that out. and o en a marine, i did what i was told. >> oliver: this is thegag order he sigd on 13 seember, 1945. itovered the pictu he'd risked his life to take. >> trence had been told, you kehese home, you put them in a dwer, don't'tw them to anyone or you'll be court rtal joo despihe threat, e photographs did end ups evince in t tokyo trials. >> herbert markowic w the navy docto