that is how, in a casino in bet on the world series of poker winner, the nfl m.v.p.,he super bowl the heisman trophy winner -- some of the more exciting bets on the super bowl. and those -- all of those types theets that are out of ordinary need to be approved by the gaming control board so they way up through the arercement division and approved by the chairman of the gaming control board. virtual events, or e-sports wagering were eventsred others wagering and talking about e-sports. a whole new thing in nevada. some of you might have children "calllay video games -- call of duty," john madden 2017. there's an audience that goes watches two individuals playing a sporting event and places a bet on one of the two individuals. and so in order for that -- that used to be an "other event" type wagering but now there's a statute that expressly allows wagering in nevada and believe it or not, there's a of these e-sports stars, just like there is of your lebron james or kobe bryants. of these issues, these other events and cutting-edge issues out of the gaming policy committee. that's a comm