look for the official insignia in your meat dealer's window. >> thank you. >> who doesn't now want toaste fats to bring mickey home safe? seriously. it wasn't just patriotic, rah-rah. it also was educating americans on what they needed to do, how they needed to do it. so everybody gets in on the action. well, almost everybody. as with all things, there is going to be a little bit of innovative thinking on how to skirt the rationing system in america. there's a black market that develops for rationed items. some people are also going to produce counterfeit goods -- i mean, counterfeit ration coupe up coupons and try to get more than their fair share. other ways of skirting the system would be for people to sell cuts of meat that did not meet government standards for fat content and those types of things. throughout the war, only about 7% of retailers were ever charged with violations of rationing. estimates are it was probably a little bit higher tha eer than t that's a hard number. far fewer were ever convicted and for nothose who were convicd of ration violations, they were only aske