. >> in the story they are quoted as ripping on the president's, the vice ppesident, etc. w can the president leave the job with someone who offers that much insubordination? does he plan to fire them? >> let me say ttat there are 90,000 brave men and women in afghanistan. what we owe hem is nothing our best efforts to get a new strategy in the country. that is the present focus. that should be everyone's focus. that was worked out in longow,%- confrontation last fall and last winter. the president went around to many of the people in the situation room, asking them if they agreed with the strategy and asked for their commitment. again, that is what we know the men and women who are fighting over there. again, the president will speak with general mcchrystal about his comments and we will have more to say after that meeting. >> is mcchrystal's jobs saved? >> we will have more to say after that meeting. >> [inaudible] >> i would obviously say that peter has served alongside and withhn a valuable economic team that has faced the greatest economic crisis than any president has